
6 Distinct Advantages Of Engaging Temp Agencies

Setting up a business is definitely not easy but sustaining it is even more difficult. You may have a fixed amount kept aside for the overheads and other miscellaneous expenses every month, but keeping the business profitable month after month is arduous indeed. Some businesses experience a fluctuation in profits during certain months when there is a lull. Retaining permanent employees requires paying their salary along with certain benefits that may leave you in despair especially during a lean period when the employees simply sit back and draw their pay packet.

It definitely makes sense to opt for hiring a seasonal workforce for those times of the year instead of permanent employees. Sure, the idea sounds great but carrying it out properly is not easy either where you have to convince the candidates masterfully. Try using temp agencies for the purpose and be rewarded with staff who work when needed and do not claim any payment otherwise.

Seasonal Workers: What does it mean?

It is a flexible workforce that is required to work when the business demands more employees. Retail shops see distinctive spike in their business during the festive seasons but a few shopping fanatics otherwise. Likewise, warehousing and hotels along with tourism require more employees intermittently. These industries try to make their business work by recruiting more employees seasonally while retaining only a handful of permanent employees who work round the year.

The Challenges

The entire process of recruitment turns challenging when you consider hiring seasonally. It is best to let temp agencies take over and conduct the entire exercise perfectly for you. It is money well spent as there are absolutely no hassles for you and you have a ready workforce of able temporary employees who fit the bill to a T.

Advantages of engaging temp agencies

A placement consultant is certainly the best bet to recruit a seasonal workforce for you. All you have to do is discuss the requirement in detail with the consultant and the staffing agency takes care of the following within the shortest possible time.

  1. The consultants advertise the vacancy as well as post the job opening in top media resources including various social media platforms
  2. Provide resumes for full time as well as temporary employees who can be engaged when your business is experiencing a peak season.
  3. They scrutinize the resumes received and check the eligibility of each candidate before short listing them for an interview with you.
  4. They also undertake the task of interacting with them prior to the interview.
  5. The agencies can also interview the candidates on your behalf and appraise you about the best candidates found to be suitable for taking up the position
  6. Some of the best temp agencies will also negotiate the salary with the prospective employee in a befitting manner.

In short, using a temp agency will allow you to recruit suitable employees whenever you need to do so by managing the entire process leaving you to concentrate on your business. This enables you to save both time and money eventually while you obtain a suitable workforce during the peak season.

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