
How Long Can Breast Milk Last Outside?

Cuánto tiempo puede durar la leche materna? - Criar con Sentido Común

Breast milk, often hailed as liquid gold due to its numerous benefits for infants, is a precious resource for nursing mothers. However, understanding how long breast milk can last outside the body is crucial for ensuring its safety and efficacy for the baby. In this article, we’ll explore the factors influencing the duration of breast milk outside, ideal storage methods, and important safety precautions.

Factors Affecting the Duration of Breast Milk Outside

Several factors influence how long breast milk can safely remain outside the body. These include temperature, cleanliness of containers, exposure to light, and the overall hygiene practices during expression and storage.

Ideal Storage Conditions for Breast Milk

To maintain the integrity of breast milk, it’s essential to store it properly. Clean, sterile containers made of glass or BPA-free plastic are recommended for storage. Additionally, labeling the containers with the date of expression can help ensure that older milk is used first.

How Long Breast Milk Can Last at Room Temperature

At room temperature (around 77°F or 25°C), freshly expressed breast milk can typically last for about 4 to 6 hours. However, this duration can vary depending on factors such as room temperature fluctuations and cleanliness of the environment.

Storing Breast Milk in the Refrigerator

For longer storage, breast milk should be refrigerated promptly after expression. In the refrigerator, breast milk can remain safe for up to 4 days. It’s important to place the milk towards the back of the refrigerator where temperatures are most consistent.

Freezing Breast Milk for Long-Term Storage

To extend the shelf life of breast milk, freezing is an effective method. Breast milk can be stored in the freezer compartment of a refrigerator-freezer or a standalone deep freezer. When stored at 0°F (-18°C) or below, breast milk can last for 6 months or more.

Thawing and Warming Breast Milk

When it’s time to use frozen breast milk, it’s important to thaw it safely. Thawing breast milk in the refrigerator overnight is the recommended method, as it preserves the milk’s nutrients. Alternatively, it can be thawed under warm running water or in a bowl of warm water. Once thawed, breast milk should be used within 24 hours and never refrozen.

Signs of Spoiled Breast Milk

It’s crucial to know the signs of spoiled breast milk to ensure the safety of the baby. Spoiled breast milk may have an unpleasant odor or taste, and its appearance may change, becoming clumpy or discolored. If any doubts arise about the safety of breast milk, it’s best to discard it.

Safety Precautions for Handling Breast Milk

Proper hygiene practices are essential when handling breast milk. Hands should be washed thoroughly before expressing milk, and pumping equipment should be cleaned and sanitized regularly. Additionally, surfaces used for expressing and storing breast milk should be kept clean and free from contaminants.


Understanding how long breast milk can last outside the body is vital for ensuring the health and safety of infants. By following proper storage guidelines and hygiene practices, nursing mothers can maximize the benefits of breast milk while minimizing the risk of contamination.


How long can breast milk be left out at room temperature? Freshly expressed breast milk can typically last for about 4 to 6 hours at room temperature.

Can breast milk be reheated? Yes, breast milk can be reheated gently by placing the container in warm water. However, avoid microwaving breast milk, as it can destroy valuable nutrients and create hot spots.

Is it safe to refreeze breast milk? No, it’s not safe to refreeze breast milk once it has been thawed. Once thawed, breast milk should be used within 24 hours and never refrozen.

How can you tell if breast milk is still good? Spoiled breast milk may have an unpleasant odor or taste, and its appearance may change, becoming clumpy or discolored.

Can breast milk spoil in the refrigerator? While breast milk can spoil if stored improperly, it typically remains safe for up to 4 days when stored in the refrigerator.

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