Easy home remedies to tackle Psoriasis

Psoriasis, which usually appears in red patches anywhere on the skin, particularly the knees, the elbow, the lower back and scalp happens due to several factors such as environment, genetics and the immune system.
Here are some home remedies suggested by Dr. Navin Taneja, director of the National Skin Centre that will help tackle the skin disease.
Oatmeal bath: Oats are considered one of nature’s finest skin soothers. Oatmeal is loaded with vitamins and minerals which are excellent for nourishing and healing damaged skin. It is also an effective way to relieve itching, redness and irritation.
Dead Sea salts: Add Dead Sea salts to lukewarm water. This helps to remove scales and eases itching. Do not forget to apply moisturizer once you are done with your bathing
Avoid dyes and aromas: Purchase only all-natural products or those labelled ‘sensitive skin’ and completely read the label before applying any new product.
Banana peel: Banana peel will soothe your skin and remove rashes. Rub the inner area of the peel on your lesions.
Baking Soda and water: Mix one tablespoon of baking soda and four teaspoons of water. Apply this with cotton or cloth to the affected area. Leave it on until it dries and falls off.