Castor oil, a common cure

Castor Oil is produced by cold-pressing the castor seeds of the castor bean plant, it is then clarified by heating the oil. It has traces of dense, concentrated source of ricinoleic acid which has many healing abilities. This rare compound – Ricinoleic acid is not found in any other substances, thus making Castor oil unique. Castor oil also contains certain beneficial salts and esters that function primarily as skin-conditioning agents. They help stabilize the texture and consistency of products, which is why castor oil is used in so many cosmetics, hair and skin-care treatments.
Important uses of Castor Oil
Castor oil helps with the production of proper levels of lymphocytes, which are the immune system’s natural disease fighters towards bacteria, diseases and toxins. It also improves blood circulation making oxygen to move freely throughout the body.
Since Castor oil is completely natural and synthetic-free, it is useful for skin disorders. It effectively reduces unnatural swelling, redness and inflammation of the skin.
It is an age-old tradition to give castor oil orally to pregnant women to induce labour. The side-effect for this can be nausea.
Castor Oil heals the skin and makes for an excellent moisturiser and anti-ageing solution to get rid of various signs of ageing by increasing the production of collagen.
It is a mild laxative when taken orally and can relieve one of Constipation and regularise the process of digestion.
Castor Oil has Omega 6 fatty acid useful for hair growth and makes it shine by reaching the roots to improve circulation. The antifungal and antibacterial properties also help in clearing dandruff and scalp infections.
Did you know?
Castor Oil was ages ago also known as ‘Palma Christe’ since the shape of the plant’s leaves resemble the palm of the Christ.
In ancient Egypt it was used to treat eye irritations and was also used as natural skin solution.
Ayurveda has known the benefits of castor oil since long and in India it is used for healing the skin and getting the digestive system back on track.