Ways to upgrade your basic crunches

C-curve hold with pulses
This exercise works on your entire rectus abdominus and strengthens your core.
How to do it: Sit with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Lower your elbows and tuck your tailbone by pressing your lower bone firmly on the floor. Breathe in so that you can feel your stomach going in. Lift your elbows and put your hands forward while slowly placing them on the sides of your thighs. Pulse your upper body up an inch and then down an inch. Continue this thrice, each with a 45-second interval. If you wish to go a bit harder on yourself, you can release your hands from the side of your thighs while you are pulsing.
Side lying swivel crunch
This exercise will involve your whole core and will help improve balance and posture.
How to do it: Lie down on one side with the forearm of that side on the floor, with hips and feet stacked. Extend the other arm overhead and squeeze your glutes, while drawing your navel inwards. Contract your abs and lift your legs, three inches above the floor. Now, roll the glute on which side you are lying down, and lift the leg to about a 45-degree angle. Now, change sides and repeat the exercise for three sets in about 45-60 seconds per interval.
Bird dog crunch
This workout will improve your flexibility and will strengthen your abs and lower back.
How to do it: Bend down on all fours with your wrists under the shoulders and knees under your hips. Look down towards the floor and keep your head and neck in a neutral position. Breathe in and hold your breath. Maintain a flat back and extend your left arm and right leg straight out. Now, bring your left elbow to your right knee and hold position for about 2 seconds, then return to position. Change sides and repeat this exercise 12-15 reps per side.
Standing oblique crunch
This helps improve your oblique and strengthens your sides.
How to do it: Stand with your feet wide; hip width apart. Extend your right leg out to the side and tuck your tailbone, engage your glutes and breathe in, so that your navel goes inside. Tilt to the left side while your right hand reaches overhead towards your left shoulder. Exhale while crunching to your right, while bringing your right elbow and right knee together. Inhale and then repeat exercise.
Plank knee tuck
Tones your lower abdomen
How to do it: Start in plank position with your toes pressing into a towel. Breathe in and hold your navel and tuck your hips slightly higher than your shoulder level. Exhale and slowly pull your knees in until they are about 2 inches in front of your hips. Inhale and then reverse back to start position. Repeat the exercise.
Focus on your diet as well…
Apart from exercising, one must also remember that the best way to get well-toned abs is by following a strict and a well-formed diet. Eat lots of green vegetables along with soups and salads. Avoid eating carbs post 7 pm. Also, remember to drink at least 2-3 litres of water everyday. This will help flush the toxins from your body, thereby giving a glow on your skin.