When it’s raining, ditch the gym: 4 DIY workouts you can do at home, in your bedroom
Imagine a day when it is pouring outside. Even getting to your car, to get to the gym risks getting drenched. And yet, you need your daily dose of sweating it out.
We have the answer to your troubles. Here are 4 DIY workouts to do in the comfort of your home, as told by Shwetambari Shetty, a Zumba and fitness expert.
1) Movement: Plank Jack
How to do it: Begin in plank position, with your shoulders over your wrists, your body in one straight line, and your feet together. Like the motion of a jumping jack, jump your legs wide and then back together.
Benefit: Plank builds a rock solid core and adding the jack to it will get your heart pumping. So this movement will burn more calories, improves cardiovascular endurance and increases metabolism.

2) Movement: Donkey Kick
How to do it: Get on all fours on mat (hands under shoulders, knees under hips). Keeping right knee bent 90 degrees, flex right foot and lift knee to hip level. Lower knee without touching floor; lift again. Switch legs; repeat.
Benefit: This exercise directly targets the butt, also know as glutes. Tone, tighten & strengthen your butt with this one. The secondary muscle it works is the abs.

3) Movement: Sprawls
How to do it: Begin in an athletic stance. Feet should be shoulder width apart, with hips and knees both slightly bent. The weight should be on the balls of the feet. Start by kicking the legs back and landing in a pushup position. You must land on your thighs, toes and the palms of your hands. As soon as you land, you must quickly thrust yourself back up to the starting position.
Benefit: This exercise improves both upper and lower body strength. It also contributes to cardiovascular conditioning.

4) Movement: Pop Squats
How to do it: Begin by squatting down on a step. Explode upwards and land with feet together and in a slight squat position on the step with soft knees. Jump back out, straddling the step, and repeat.
Benefit: Great leg exercise that works quads, calves, hamstrings, inner thighs and adds to cardiovascular conditioning.

For more DIY workouts and demonstration videos by Shetty, download the cure.fit app on Playstore and Apple store.