Stressed feet? Try toe tapping

What A study found

This is a must-try at the workplace. A new study says fidgeting while you’re seated for over five hours at a computer, in long meetings or even during a flight can protect the arteries in your legs and help prevent arterial disease. A report quotes research that says sitting for an extended period of time reduces blood flow to the legs, which may contribute to the development of cardiovascular disease. “Many of us sit for hours at a time, whether it is binge watching our favourite TV show or working at a computer,” stated expert Jaumme Padilla from University of Missouri. “We wanted to know if a small amount of leg fidgeting could prevent a decline in leg vascular function caused by prolonged sitting.” In the study, researchers compared the leg vascular function of 11 young men and women before and after three hours of sitting (while intermittently tapping one foot then the next). It was found that the fidgeting leg had an increase in blood flow, while the stationary leg experienced a reduction in it. While this was done on one leg during the experiment, in the real-world scenario researchers recommend tapping both legs to maximise the benefits.
Can bone tapping prevent osteoporosis?

Another interesting technique — bone tapping — is said to be a prevention and cure for osteoporosis. It is based on the premise of send healing vibrations into the body to eliminate stress and any inflammation. One has to use light, fluid movements to hit any bone, as well as the calves and shins. Hitting the knees this way is also said to reduce the formation of painful varicose veins. As you do this, do not stop at the lower body, but continue upwards tapping the upper body — chest, back, shoulders and arms, up to the head.
As a facial exercise

It’s not just for the toes, tapping can be used elsewhere, too. People are increasingly turning to face tapping, also called a ‘natural face lift’, in a bid to look radiant. Such light movements — on the temples, cheekbones and the chin — is said to increase blood circulation, reduce headaches, wrinkles and puffiness. Tapping specific acupressure points on the face is also said to cut down hunger cravings.
How to tap right
Tapping is not meant to be a hard movement, but one done with light pressure. It should just be enough to stimulate the nerves. Tap not more than 5-7 times on a particular point, in order to restore it to a
balanced state. Also, always tap with the fingertips not nails.

- Head: Crown and top.
- Eyebrows: Near the bridge of the nose.
- Outer side of the eye: Near the temple.
- Under the eye: Just at the cheekbone.
- Under the nose: Just above the upper lip.
- Chin: At the center.
How it works as a healing therapy

Tapping facilitates the movement and flow of energy through the body. It triggers impulses at the different pressure points, which sends endorphins through the body to heal it.