
How To Set Your Business’s Website Apart From The Rest

When your potential customer is browsing on Google, searching for the exact service you’re ready and waiting to provide, the last thing you want is for them to click through to a rival business and give them the sale. This can happen all too easily if your website isn’t grabbing your customer’s attention. With so many websites online and so many businesses vying for customer engagement, it’s more essential than ever to create a website that stands out from the crowd. This isn’t always easy and can take time to get right, but it’s certainly possible. Follow these tips and you should be on the right track.

  1. Have a team of professionals supporting you. Most business owners aren’t experts in web design, so it’s sensible to put your website in the hands of trusted experts. Web development professionals from for example can build a high-quality site following your brief, make sure that the content clearly presents the message you’re hoping to convey, and programs the website so that it runs smoothly and creates a positive user experience for anyone who stops by.
  2. Use great quality images. Copy-heavy websites tend to cause your customer’s eyes to glaze over quickly, and no one wants to scroll forever waiting for you to get to the point. Images are often better at conveying your brand’s messaging, but the message will come through all wrong if the quality is off. When you factor in the fact that many customers will be viewing your website from a high definition smartphone screen, high-res images become even more important.
  3. Focus on functionality. Design is important, but the deciding factor on how your customer experiences your website will be in the functionality. Plenty of businesses get lost in the details and forget crucial points like ease of navigation and responsive design. Get this right, and you’ll automatically be standing above many competing websites.
  4. Get creative with staff bios. If you have a section on your website dedicated to the individual team members, avoid dull, run of the mill bios and give your customers a chance to get to know the team properly. Include quirky details, personalised photos, and fun facts that will let your customer know that you’re a company made up of genuine, friendly people.
  5. Don’t shy away from controversy. The blog or news section of your website should never be boring. Without completely crossing the line, be willing to engage with current events and controversial issues that relate to your industry in your blog posts. This will set you apart from websites that produce predictable content, and give your customers the chance to engage with your brand on a more interesting level.
  6. Know your audience. Most business owners know that fresh content is key, but it won’t do you any good if you don’t keep the content relevant to your audience. Get to know who your customers and readers are, and come up with the kind of content that you know they want to read. If you’re not sure of what that is, encourage engagement by asking them directly through your social media platforms or email newsletters. Great content won’t only boost your search engine ratings, it’ll also keep your customers coming back for more.

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